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* www.truelife.org is a website designed to help you answer some of the tough questions in life. What does the Bible say about marriage? Is homosexuality a sin? What about pornography. Please visit the site to learn today.
* www.lightofmessiah.org is the homepage of Light Of Messiah Ministries. This organization is dedicated to sharing the Gospel with God’s Chosen People.
* www.derwinhinson.com is the homepage of Derwin Hinson Ministries. Derwin is an extremely talented musician, who is literally a “one man band.” Please consider having him at your church.
* www.unionbaptist.com is the homepage of the Union Baptist Association of North Carolina. Located in Union County, North Carolina, the Union Baptist Association is comprised of over 80 Southern Baptist Churches cooperating in missions efforts locally and around the world.
* www.medicaldental.org is a missions organization dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the people of Honduras.
* www.preachersofthepast.com is the webpage for Rev. Doug Whitley. His unique way of presenting the Gospel is worth a look. We highly recommend having him in your church.
* www.withlovefromjesuscharlotte.org is the website for one of my favorite ministries. Founder Joy McGuire has a heart for the “poorest of the poor.” There are lots of ways for you to get involved as well. Please check out this site.