South Africa Trip

Greetings Pastor Caroll, from Ballito:
I am writing to follow up on the clothes you gave me while staying at El Shaddi. I am sending a photo or two for you and the ladies who made the clothes that you ferried to Cape Town. With these photos, I want to express my appreciation and the appreciation of our house church for these gifts. Our ladies distributed the shorts / jumpers to those in need. In fact, as you can see from the attached photo labeled Special Music 2, the youth adopted jumpers as their “choir outfits” for the day. I’ll send a few other photos in another email.
Thanks again… Blessings, Barry Hill
Clothes made by Philadelphia Baptist Church Ladies:)

South Africa, Samantha, wearing a top made by PBC Ladies, March 2013.

Striking A Pose in South Africa,in shorts made by PBC Ladies:) March 2013